Cathy Wheelhouse


Cathy is a life long Coonamble resident who is passionate about supporting and contributing to a thriving community Cathy is also a strong advocate of the Coonamble Together Partnership Group (TPG). A locally led initiative to support improved service coordination, supporting access to appropriate services and more efficiently.

Janis Nicol


Coonamble Shire Council Citizen of the Year 2020 Life long Coonamble resident Vice President Coonamble Neighbourhood Centre, Coonamble Cancer Survivors Group Life Member of Coonamble Pony Club Advocate and Volunteer for people with disabilities

Wayne Phillips

Vice President

Coonamble Neighbourhood Centre committee member for many years and former Treasurer Coonamble Shire Council Citizen of the Year 2019 Vice President Coonamble Meals on Wheels Lions Vice President Coonamble Neighbourhood Centre, Bus Driver Community Volunteer and active member

Mandy Cormie


Mandy joined the Coonamble Neighbourhood Centre committee in 2018. Mandy works in education support at the Coonamble High School and has a strong commitment to caring for her community. Mandy enjoys spending her spare time with her family and friends, caring for the people she loves.

Heidi Hodgson


Heidi joined the Coonamble Neighbourhood Centre committee in 2018. She was born and raised in Coonamble and upon completing her university degree she returned to commence her role as the director of Coonamble Pre School. Heidi is passionate about creating access to quality early childhood education and is an advocate for rural and remote communities.

Michael Abrahall

Committee Member

Previous winner of Coonamble Citizen of the year Previous long serving member of Committee for Coonamble Parent Support and volunteer disability support worker Volunteer and member Coonamble Lions Club Community Transport volunteer driver

Barbara Abrahall

Committee Member

Barb is a longtime Coonamble resident who has a long history of supporting people in the community. Barb has worked for many years as an Aboriginal Teachers Aide at Coonamble High School, Volunteer at Coonamble Parent Support Office / Green Villa, Community Transport and is on the committee of Coonamble Rosary Makers.